Contain the Chaos

If you wake up every day dreading what’s in front of you; if you are finding yourself with a never-ending to-do list; if you are tired of being stressed, sick, and overwhelmed, this kit gives you a path forward to take back control of your life!

The Sparkle Factor™ begins when you choose YOUR alignment!

$279 value
Yours for free


You will get…

Self-care Strategies to help you unlock wellness

The 5 Keys to fully live in the present without overwhelm creep

The 5 minute exercise to discover your real priorities

3 easy de:stress practices you can do anywhere, any time

Wouldn’t it be nice to easily manage your time, your stress and you to-do list so that they are seamlessly leading you to a more positive approach to work and life?

That’s what this kit gives you.

Suzanne routinely sells this kit for $49 when she’s speaking from the stage, but we all need a little help navigating the world right now, so it’s a free gift for you!

Just drop your basic info the form below and this kit will be zoomed over to you in no time! In just a few minutes, you will be out of the chaos circus and back to THE SPARKLE FACTOR™ that’s inside you!

Wouldn’t it be nice to easily manage your time, your stress and you to-do list so that they are seamlessly leading you to a more positive approach to work and life?

That’s what this kit gives you.

Suzanne routinely sells this kit for $49 when she’s speaking from the stage, but we all need a little help navigating the world right now, so it’s a free gift for you!

Just drop your basic info the form below and this kit will be zoomed over to you in no time! In just a few minutes, you will be out of the chaos circus!