You’re taking care of everyone else? Who takes care of you so you can beat the burnout train? Try this quick tool 

Become a Better Thinker

Become a Better Thinker In order to free your mind towards possibility thinking and creative thought you will want to get rid of these limited and negative mindset. Let’s chat about actionable ways to practice deep thinking, possibility mindshifts and unleashing...

Creating the Time You Need

Creating the Time You Need It’s not easy to find time to pursue your passions, but there’s usually a way if you’re truly serious. Inside this #trainingtuesday let’s talk about some possibilities to grab a bit more time for the love stuff, okay? EVENT INFO:...

Why Creativity Is Important for Productivity

Why Creativity Is Important for Productivity Creativity is not just about coloring or being an award-winning singer. Creativity has many health and productivity benefits and this #trainingtuesday is going to highlight several!   I'm Suzanne I help brilliant...

Episode 36: Featuring Dr. Teri Rouse

Episode 36: Featuring Dr. Teri Rouse A wife and mother, a traveler, a teacher, Dr. Teri Rouse has co-authored four bestselling books, based on her 20 years of classroom experience with children and youth. Our chat centers on behavioral changes for parents, staying...

Episode 35: Featuring Kimberly DeShields

Episode 35: Featuring Kimberly DeShields Dynamite diva from branding to publishing to subscription boxes and empowerment, Kimberly DeShields-Spencer is a powerhouse of knowledge and leadership. Inside this episode she shares about how to get up when your intellectual...