Capturing a stunning vision to pursue life with success and intention

When you have a vision for your life, it makes everything easier, from goal-setting, prioritizing actions and day-to-day activities to making tough decisions. When you live into your extraordinary vision, you will be motivated to align your life with verve!

Together, let’s unleash THE SPARKLE FACTOR!

Within EXTRAORDINARY VISION we will hone your focus in 5 key areas:






"About a month after being in Suzanne's John Maxwell's Leadership & Goals class I found some old notes about changes that needed to happen in an organization with which I'm involved. The notes included a list of the changes and ideas of how to make those things happen. Now 4 years later, as I read over this list I realized that 4 of the 5 of those changes had happened! I was Vision Casting - something Suzanne Castle taught me in this course - and 80% of my vision had come true! Vision casting is amazing and so is Suzanne Castle!!"

Lisa Wan
Duke University, Assistant Librarian
Hello there,

My name is Suzanne Castle

I love bringing the extraordinary sparkle back to people’s lives when they capture a vision that fills them with joy and motivation. This program was designed for you to uncover what is keeping you stuck from a life you deserve, and helping you find clarity and focus for what lies ahead in your goal-getting work!

Extraordinary Vision is for…

Anyone whose life has been filled with lackluster success in goal creating and goal getting.
Anyone who is ready to put on an explorer hat and go digging up goals that are meaningful and exciting.
Anyone with a new idea that needs solid roots, a new passion they aren’t sure how to explore, or a new purpose they’d like to fulfill.


You will learn…

Capturing a stunning vision to pursue life with success and intention.

When you have a vision for your life, it makes everything easier, from goal-setting, prioritizing actions and day-to-day activities to making tough decisions. When you live into your extraordinary vision, you will be motivated to align your life with verve!



What Unicorns Can Teach About Making Life More Magical

Within the heart of your vision is a big, sparkling, irresistible WHY. We’ll name your why, polish and shape it, and use the full weight of its diamond strength to motivate the pursuit of your sparkly self, and start working on the 3 key attitude shifts and actions to discover your biggest dreams

($500 value)

STEP two


Uncover Your Sparkle

We’ll clear away the chaos, burn away the chaff, and find the hard-won and holy vision you’re carrying deep inside your spirit. Through carefully curated exercises, we’ll sharpen your focus, define your values and begin to build a plan that you can see clearly and pursue with the full force of your soul.

($500 value)



Embracing Your Magic Mojo

We’ll choose specific goals to help you begin to take strategic, clear-headed steps in the direction of your vision. By laying out a clear, decisive path, we’ll ensure that your dreams don’t just live in the recesses of your imagination, but become tangible, real life objectives that you are actively shining your way toward.

($500 value)



From the To-Do’s to the Ta-Da’s

Even with the clearest vision, you’re bound to encounter obstacles. Together, as the challenges get harder, we’ll work to make your goals smarter, and to develop your ability to glide over any hurdle that tries to get in your way.

($500 value)



Happily Ever After Habits

Because clarity shouldn’t be limited to a single glance, month or year. We’ll set up clarity practices to make sure your vision improves year after year, building on successes and failures to gain the sort of momentum your heart has long been craving with your happily ever after habits.

($500 value)


Goal-Getting 5 Day Challenge

Do you FAIL to achieve your goals? Are you tired of not achieving the things you want? Within this 5 Day Bonus Challenge, Suzanne will teach you a no-fail goal setting method! By following these simple steps, you will ALWAYS accomplish your goals.

($500 value)


Finding Your Why

Finding your purpose can be a powerful thing and it goes well beyond the satisfaction of knowing you’re doing something worthwhile: also called your why. This bonus course focuses on 3 main modules: What Is My Why? Why is It Important? How to Find Your Purpose

($500 value)


One 50 minute Sizzle Session with Suzanne

A 1:1 customized coaching session with Suzanne to discover what vision casting habits are tripping you up and a plan to move forward uncovering your personal vision.

($200 value)

You might be thinking…

“It’s just too expensive.”
Coaching is an investment, and not one that Suzanne takes lightly. Acquiring the skills you need to consistently achieve your goals, remain focused and emotionally present to your passion, and begin to build a life of thriving has nearly immeasurable return on investment. When you invest in yourself this way, opportunities and new creative solutions have a magical way of appearing – just watch what’ll happen!
“I’m so busy, I just don’t have time.”
Stop right there – you are WORTH THIS TIME. If you’ve made it this far, it’s a pretty good bet that a lot of that burden of business you feel is wasted time. And that your personal life has taken a hit. BUT, if you can carve out space to say yes to capturing an ESSENTIAL VISION, those burdens are going to solve themselves and reveal a new YOU. And I’m certain you’ll find yourself with a renewed sense of possibility, reinvented time management, and a reason to do a cartwheel
"It feels like an extravagance!"
Hey there, amazing HUMAN– the honest truth is nothing is more essential than you living out of purpose and loving your life! YOU’RE IT, Love! Your well being is the center of everything you can dream, give, create, build, or become, and without YOU, this train isn’t leaving the station.
want to take the course?

Say YES!

You are saying YES and I’m throwing confetti in the air and doing a little dance! I’m glad you are taking charge of your life and your vision to be excellent and extraordinary! Be on the lookout for an email confirmation of your purchase with the link to the program, as well as instructions for access. In no time flat, you will be vision casting an incredible life!

$3500 worth of goodness for only $499 paid in full

Payment options available.